The Club

Sunderland Rifle Club is located less than 10 minutes away from Sunderland city centre in the North East of England. Our facilities include an outdoor range with the capability of shooting at 25 metres, 50 metres and 100 yards. This is complimented by a 25 metre indoor range for .22 sporting rifle and air weapons which is reduced to 25 yards for .22 prone rifle and to 10 metres for use with air weapons.
As a club we compete in a number of postal competitions. For instance, leagues organised by the National Small-bore Rifle Association, the Cumbria & Northumbria Target Shooting Association, and the Durham & Cleveland Small-bore Rifle Association.
Sunderland Rifle Club members shoot across multiple disciplines. These disciplines include air pistol, air rifle and small-bore prone / bench rest and target rifle. We also shoot the lightweight sporting rifle disciplines. We cater for all levels of experience from beginner through to members who shoot at National and International level.

Cumbria & Northumbria Target Shooting Association run postal target shooting leagues in both the Winter and Summer seasons that are entered by clubs and individuals from all over the UK.

The Durham & Cleveland Small-bore Rifle Association (DCSRA) is the governing body of shooting within County Durham Cleveland and a large part of North Yorkshire, South Tyneside and Sunderland.

The National Small-bore Rifle Association is the national governing body of small-bore target shooting in the UK.